
12 October 2023
New Report - DRCF Multi-agency Advice Service, Final Recommendations

We are pleased to publish EY Seren’s research into a proposed DRCF-hosted Multi-agency Advice Service, which has led to Government funding for the subsequent DRCF AI and Digital Hub service pilot. This project has been made possible by a grant from the Regulators’ Pioneer Fund launched by the former Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) in November 2022. The research considered the following question:  ‘How might DRCF make it easier for innovators to introduce new ideas across multiple regulator remits?’ EY Seren facilitated a collaborative evidence-based process over 12 weeks; conducting research interviews with innovators, running idea generation workshops, and iterating a future service that the DRCF can offer to market. More than 60 innovators from a range of backgrounds were involved in the process, sharing their challenges and feedback. Read the abridged report here (full report available on request).