AI and Digital Hub

DRCF AI and Digital Hub logo

Welcome to the DRCF AI and Digital Hub

The DRCF AI and Digital Hub allows innovators to ask a specific query which spans the regulatory remits of DRCF member regulators: the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA), Ofcom, the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) and the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA).

The aim of the Hub is to increase innovators’ confidence in bringing new products, services and business models safely to market, by helping them understand and navigate regulatory requirements. This is a valuable opportunity for innovators to receive free and informal advice from four regulators all in one place.

The Hub provides a single source of informal advice to help unlock innovation and support UK economic growth.

If an innovator is developing a new fintech app, for example, they can ask a specific cross-regulatory query on a challenge they are experiencing in understanding how different DRCF regulatory requirements apply to their product, service or business model.

Eligibility criteria

If you are an innovator developing a new AI or digital product, service or business model, you will be eligible to submit a query to the DRCF AI and Digital Hub if your proposal meets our criteria.

Innovative *

Your product, service or business model must include a new or adapted way of conducting an activity within the scope of the hub. For example, through the development of new services or products, or creating efficiencies in how these are delivered, or a new process or method to meet regulatory requirements.

* Many new or adapted ways of conducting an activity within a sector may be considered innovative by an applicant and create new efficiencies or benefits if implemented. The DRCF may consider that such innovations do not meet the eligibility criteria if we consider such approaches are well established (potentially in another market).

Focuses on AI and/or digital

Your product, service or business model must be (largely) digital or use AI.

Benefits consumers, businesses and/or the UK economy​

Your product, service or business model must be beneficial to consumers and/or contribute to the growth and competitiveness of the UK.

At least two DRCF regulators’ remits

Your query should specifically address a challenge you are experiencing that applies to at least two of the four DRCF members' regulatory remits (CMA, Ofcom, ICO, FCA).

Your responses in the application will be reviewed to determine whether we can provide informal advice. Please respond to the application questions thoroughly to ensure the AI and Digital Hub team can effectively understand and respond to your query.

You can find download a copy of the application form, for reference, but all applications should be submitted via the online form, accessed below.

Apply here

As this is a pilot service, we may reach capacity depending on the number of queries we receive from innovators. Therefore, we might not be able to address all queries received and we reserve the right to prioritise between applications.

While the service is not intended to be an ongoing support service, we will respond to follow up questions about our response to help confirm understanding.

Further information can be found in our FAQs below.

Case studies

To extend the benefit of the Hub to a wider pool of innovators, we will publish the outcomes of the queries we address in the Hub as case studies on our website. This means that a wider range of innovators will be able to access previous informal advice to see if their queries have already been answered. We will give due regard to any confidentiality concerns before publishing a case study and will only publish after consultation with the innovator.

Our case study resource will mean that future innovators can look for previously answered queries online, enabling us to assist a greater number of innovators and help support the future growth of the UK economy.

If you participate in the Hub, you will need to do so with the knowledge that we will publish a case study of your query and response.

You can request to anonymise the case study and we will consult with you to ensure we have paid due regard to any confidentiality concerns you may have.

Information on how we protect your confidential information can be found in our Conditions for Participation.

How to apply

Please fill in the Hub application form so that we can find out more about your AI or digital product, service or business model; your query and how you meet the eligibility criteria.

How long until I get a response and what will it include?

If your query is eligible, we aim to provide a response within eight weeks, but please note that response times will depend on the number of regulators involved and the complexity of the query.

Please note: the answer you receive is informal advice on the regulatory requirements for your product, service or business model. It is not legally binding, nor is it a replacement for you obtaining independent legal advice.

We cannot provide public or commercial endorsement, or certification that your product, service or business model is compliant with the law.

Please read the full Conditions for Participation below as part of the application process.

Conditions for Participation

Privacy Policy