Horizon Scanning and Emerging Technology

27 April 2023

Our emerging technologies work augments the horizon scanning functions of our member regulators to enable each (individually and collectively) to better plan for the impact of technological innovation and understand possible regulatory risks and opportunities as tech develops, to innovator and wider industry as well as policymakers.  

Last year, we published papers on quantum technologies and immersive environments, which highlighted how the sector might evolve, the key uncertainties that could drive changes to them, and the potential regulatory implications that may arise.   

This year, we focused on: 

  • Digital identity: where our purpose was to pool knowledge and inform discussions between member regulator’s subject matter experts; to seek further insight from external stakeholders; and to develop overall understanding of the regulatory issues which might arise from ways in which digital identity and digital wallets might be used in the future. We published an article that set out some of our key findings, including on what digital identity is, the insights gained from our research and potential regulatory implications that may arise depending on how digital identity develops. 
  • Synthetic media: we published a paper exploring the development of synthetic media over the next three to five years. The research looked at both opportunities and potential risks, such as the personalisation of content, application of digital twins, creation of harmful content and disinformation. The paper explores the potential regulatory considerations of each of those opportunities and risks, as well as outlining detection methods such as watermarking and labelling content.  


Quantum technologies - a regulatory perspective

Immersive Technologies Foresight Paper

Exploring the Future of Digital Identity

The Future of Synthetic Media

Web 3.0 and distributed ledger technologies

The Metaverse and immersive technologies

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