
18 April 2024
New publication - 2023/24 Annual Report

The DRCF has seen another year of significant development, further deepening regulatory cooperation on digital governance. Our 2023/24 Annual Report highlights the DRCF’s achievements and outputs between April 2023 and March 2024, against objectives set out in its Workplan.

Against a backdrop of a rapidly evolving legislation, we are helping to ensure a joined up regulatory environment for businesses and consumers. We have stepped up our collaboration on AI governance, and announced plans to pilot a new multi-regulator service, the ‘DRCF AI and Digital Hub’, that will provide informal advice to innovators. Our collaboration on adtech and safety tech – online choice architecture and cookies, age assurance and content moderation – is having a significant impact on the UK’s social media and digital markets. Our papers, for example on immersive futures, quantum and algorithmic audit, are helping to shape the direction of those industries. We have also established the International Network for Digital Regulation Cooperation, to foster international discussions on regulatory coherence.